Start Talking Blog

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

Posted by Mark Nolte on Jan 26, 2016 9:18:34 AM

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Amy Morin,LCSW, is a licensed cliical social worker, psychotherapist and author who wrote the book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. She states,

Topics: Why Online Therapy is better

Considering Therapy-Why Online Therapy is better

Posted by Mark Nolte on Jun 2, 2015 3:45:00 PM

There are many reasons why Online Therapy or Online Counseling is better than traditional therapy.

First let’s look at why most people do not use traditional therapy:

  1.        Stigma – Not wanting to admit they have a problem.
  2.        Not want to go to an office for therapy in fear they may be recognized by someone they know.
  3.        Not wanting to go to therapy because they do not want to file an insurance claim in fear their employer will find out they are being seen for psychological disorder and may be fire from their job or not receive a promotion.
  4.        The need to travel sometimes long distances to get to your office appointment.
  5.        The Inconvenience Factor-Only time available for an appointment is Monday-Friday 8am – 5pm.

How Online Therapy addresses these issues: Because Online Therapy is done from your computer from the privacy of your home you no longer have to worry about:

  1.        Stigma – it remains private and anonymous
  2.        No office visit but from your home- alleviates the fear of being recognized by someone you know.
  3.        No file of healthcare insurance. Cash bases only and most of the time less than what your insurance co-pay would be for an office visit.
  4.        No getting in your car to travel to an appointment.
  5.        Appointments available when it is convenient for you.


Topics: Why Online Therapy is better

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