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Matt Kelly

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If Life is a school, how are your grades?- Online Life Coaching

Posted by Matt Kelly on Jun 5, 2015 11:04:05 AM

How would you grade your life....use Online Life Coaching?

I like the idea of seeing life as a great big school for everyone on the planet. That perspective leads me to believe one of the reasons we’re here is to get an education. After further contemplation it opens up all sorts of questions like “why are we sometimes students, and other times teachers” (often unknowingly)? And how about “which coursework is optional and which is mandatory?” 

“Being Human 101” must be a core required class… along with death, taxes and getting your buttons pushed. Which ones are optional? How about obsession, laughter, trust, love, friendship, maudlin guilt, needlepoint, faith, curiosity, resentment, and emotional awareness among many others. In fact, that list is nearly unlimited with a little imagination. Given that, plus the axiom that “we become good at the things we practice most often”, it makes a lot of sense to choose your course of study intentionally. Otherwise you’re likely to find yourself eating a large regret sandwich when you look back over your life. What will you want your transcript to say about your life?  Choose wisely and you’re more likely to be at peace when you’re done here.

Topics: Managing yourself online Therapy/Life Coaching

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